Blood vessels of the orbit
► ►
S keleton
L a c rim a l apparatus
A, supraorbitalis
A. ophthalmica
Aa ciliares posteriores
A lacrimalis
A supratrochlearis
A dorsalis nasi
A. ethmoidalis anterior
A. ethmoidalis posterior
A, carotis interna
Fig. 669
Arteries of the orbit, Orbita;
Lateral view.
Fig. 670 a, b
Variations of the ophthalmic artery, A. ophthalmica;
superior view.
V nasofrontalis
N opticus [
A carotis interna
Sinus cavernosus
V. ophthalmica superior
V. supraorbitalis
V angularis
V lacrimalis
V. facialis
Fig. 671
Veins of the orbit, Orbita;
lateral view.
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